Designs Now Available by Wildflower Photography & Designs

I design blog headers, buttons, and blog graphics (photos).* I would like to design one for you! I customize!

Custom Blog Header—$10**
This includes a header with a maximum of 4 pictures.

Interested? Have questions? Email me!

Your Name :
Your Email: (required)
Your Message: (required)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Please note: This is only for those who use Blogger for their blog/website. For now, I am only going to design for Blogger sites, but in the future I will hopefully expand!

**You can get a $5 discount by allowing me to use your finished/unfinished product for other things which may include but are not limited to advertising on my blogs, and maybe even making it a pre-made product option, depending on what I decide. I may discuss it with you if I decide I want to make it a pre-made product option.

Some of My Work:

Have a great day everyone!


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